Sega is a self-taught transmasc artist. His practice began when he first discovered trans community through tattooing, his work centres on the concept of hope, possibilities and love as a trans person. His time is split between tattooing at Fort, a trans-run art studio & community space, working in a queer creative health charity , and his expanding art practice.
Like most of my artwork, this piece is based on a dream, in which desire and pain don’t exist. In this dream I was walking through a desert Garden of Eden. In the ‘awake’ world, medical transness focusses on a lack of and pain requiring resolution. In this dream world, I stumbled on a cactus tree which provided an addition of, a utopian DIY phalloplasty that went beyond the pain of having a body that feels lacking, a body that seeks resolution and is prevented from such. It was a vision of transness and nature as one, where joy was everlasting and freedom eternally obtainable.